Najbliższe seminaria odbywające się w Instytucie

Seminarium Instytutu

10.5.2024 Armen Sedrakian
Searching for the neutron star equation of state

Relativistic density functionals based on baryon-meson Lagrangians can

be used to describe effectively dense matter in compact stars

including hyperonic and Delta-resonance degrees of

freedom. These can be supplemented with a first-order phase transition

to quark matter at high densities to describe hybrid compact stars.

I will discuss how the mass-radius and tidal deformability inferences

from electromagnetic and gravitational wave observations constrain the

current models of hypernuclear and hybrid stars. I will briefly review

recent results on the bulk viscosity of dense nucleonic matter in hot

compact stars, which emerged in recent years as the leading dissipative

channel in binary-neutron star merger simulations.

Godz.: 12:15, Sala: 422, Wersja do druku
31.5.2024 Alexander Ayriyan
Bayesian analysis of the equation of state of dense nuclear matter

Godz.: 12:15, Sala: 422, Wersja do druku
7.6.2024 Jaroslaw Pawlowski (WUST)
Machine learning-aided quantum tomography

Godz.: 12:15, Sala: 422, Wersja do druku
14.6.2024 Aliasghar Parvizi
Polymer Quantization Schemes for Gravitational Waves: From theory to observation

Motivated by loop quantum gravity, we propose two polymer quantization schemes to describe the propagation of gravitational waves within a classical Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) spacetime. These novel schemes yield modified waveforms, altering the amplitude of the waves as they traverse quantum spacetime. Additionally, the speed of the waves becomes frequency-dependent due to polymer corrections. We investigate the detectability of these signals using instruments like LISA and LIGO, establishing bounds on the polymer scales.

Godz.: 12:15, Sala: 422, Wersja do druku